Please Complete The Health & Medical Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Let's Begin - Step 1 of 3What is your email address ? *EmailConfirm Email*This email will be used for important correspondence related to your treatment. Were you referred to us ?*We like to show appreciation to those who refer us, so please let us know how you heard about us.Are you transferring to us from another clinic ? *YesNoIf you are coming from another clinic, please enter the name of that clinic below.NextSuperior Genetix Health & Wellness, Inc. | Medical & Health HistoryPlease complete the form below Name *FirstMiddleLastAddress *City *State *ZIP Code *Phone *Date of birth *Age *Approximately how tall are you ? *How much do you weigh ? *Occupation *Please upload an image of a valid state issued Photo I.D. **WE CANNOT PROCESS YOUR INTAKE WITHOUT THIS** Click or drag a file to this area to upload. *If you are unable to upload, please email us an image of your license or valid state I.D. *Proper identification is required by law for all prescription medications and lab work. Email to:**IF YOU DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR IDENTIFICATION, YOU MUST EMAIL US A COPY OF YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE OR STATE I.D. *Yes, I am emailing my driver's license/state i.d. to once I complete this form. I understand that if I do not email my driver's license or state i.d. my intake WILL NOT BE PROCESSED.Please enter your driver's license number here. **This is required by Law for providing prescription medication.Your Primary Care Physician *Please provide us the name of your primary care doctor or other health care provider.Ethnicity *American Indian or Alaskan NativeHispanic or LatinoAsianWhiteBlack or African AmericanNative HawaiianPatient DeclinesOtherMarital status *MarriedSingleDivorcedWidowedSex *MaleFemaleMedical and Health History *I want to improve my health and based on my own research I feel I can benefit from hormone replacement therapy, peptides, or weight loss medication..Hypertension *yesnoHeart Disease *yesnoStroke *yesnoAutoimmune *yesnoDiabetes *yesnoHigh cholesterol *yesnoObesity *yesnoCancer *yesnoCOPD/Asthma *yesnoProstate/BPH *yesnoGastrointestinal *yesnoHormone disorder *yesnoAllergic reaction *yesnoCurrent Medications *If you are not currently on any medications, please put "NONE".Allergies - Please list any known allergies here *If you do not have any known allergies, please put "NONE" Are there any serious health concerns or other issues the Physician should be aware of ? *If you are not aware of any underlying health issues, please put "NONE".Tell us about the symptoms you are experiencing (ex. weight gain, fatigue etc.) **This will help us evaluate you for the treatments you are interested in.What was your last known blood pressure reading ? *Have you used hormone replacement therapy, peptides, or weight loss medications in the past ? If yes, please provide some basic details about your regimen, dosing, or protocol. **If this does not apply to you, simply put "NO".If you are currently on TRT, or have done TRT in the past, please tell us what size syringe and needle you prefer. **If this does not apply to you, simply put "NO".Do you know how to self administer intramuscular or subcutaneous injections ? *YesNoDo you regularly use tobacco ? *yesnoDo you regularly consume alcohol ? *yesnoDo you regulary use recreational drugs ? *yesnoWhat type of treatment(s) are you interested in ? *Testosterone replacement therapyHGH or Anti-AgingWeight lossSexual enhancementPeptide therapyVitamins and supplementsToday's Date *I swear that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge *YesSignature * Clear Signature NextAGREEMENT, AUTHORIZATION, TERMS OF SERVICE, CONSENT WAIVER, & ACKNOWLEDGMENT1. Informed Consent *It is important to be sure that you have information about the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy, peptides, and other medications before you take any treatment. The physician has your informed consent for treatment through telehealth remote examination.I have the capacity (and ability) to make decisions regarding my own health. The medical provider, clinic, or staff has disclosed information on the treatment, test, or procedure in question, including the expected benefits and risks, side effects, and the likelihood (or probability) that the benefits and risks will occur. I fully comprehend the relevant information that is being provided to me, and if I have any questions or concerns regarding my medications or treatments, I promise to ask the clinic. I understand that Superior Genetix is prescribing medications / treatments, for one or more of the following conditions(s): Hormone replacement, weight loss, erectile dysfunction, health and wellness, anti-aging, vitamin deficiency or other. When I take these treatments, I may experience certain reactions or side effects. In addition to performing my own research on the medication I am receiving. I have performed (or will have performed) blood work, a medical health questionnaire, a discussion with my primary care provider, a consultation with a Superior Genetix staff member, and a final appointment with a Superior Genetix Prescribing Physician. I have requested information, discussed, and researched literature on the medication I will be using and I am familiar with the benefits, potential risks, and dosing protocols. I understand that my medications will be delivered to my home or the clinic, from the pharmacy, with labels outlining dosage and a package insert that explains potential risks, and side effects. I agree to read these thoroughly. I agree that if I do not receive a list of potential risks and side effects with my prescription, I will contact Superior Genetix Health & Wellness Inc. staff IMMEDIATELY. I understand I should not smoke tobacco or consume alcohol regularly while using certain medications. I also acknowledge that I should exercise, maintain a healthy diet, and follow up with my primary care provider on a regular basis. I understand that HRT is approved by the FDA for prescribed deficiencies only. Using it for other symptoms or problems is considered “off-label” use and the liability is on the patient not the doctor. I have discussed the reason for taking these medications with my primary care provider, pharmacist, prescriber, or other licensed health practitioner. I understand why Superior Genetix is prescribing them, and the risks associated with taking certain medications including but not limited to the possibility of an increased risk of breast or endometrial cancer, blood clotting, stroke or heart attack. I understand that there are different risks for different medications. I have discussed these risks and the reasons for taking them, with my doctor. I understand that my provider will do everything he/she knows to do to decrease and minimize the risks of HRT. I understand that there is no guarantee that these measures will be effective at preventing the negative side effects mentioned above, or others that we do not yet know about. I am aware that it is my responsibility to report any adverse effects to my primary care physician and Super Genetix Health & Wellness, Inc. IMMEDIATELY. I accept the possible risks of hormone therapy and other related treatments, and wish to have my provider prescribe them for me.2. Waiver & Release of Liability *I release from liability and waive my right to sue Superior Genetix Health & Wellness,Inc, their employees, officers, volunteers, subcontractors, Physicians, Practitioners, Prescribers, subcontractors, and all agents (collectively “Superior Genetix”) from any and all claims, including claims of negligence, resulting in any injury, illness, death, or economic loss I may suffer or which may result from treatment. I am voluntarily participating in treatment. I understand that there are potential risks and side effects that may be associated with my participation in this treatment. I assume all risks of my participation in treatment, whether known or unknown to me.I agree to hold Superior Genetix harmless from any and all claims, loss or damage ,liabilities and costs, including attorney’s fees, as a result of my participation in treatment. I have read this document, and I am signing it freely. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing Superior Genetix from all liability, (b) waiving my right to sue Superior Genetix, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in any medical treatment provided or offered by Superior Genetix.3. Patient & Clinic Acknowledgement *I agree and acknowledge that I have provided an honest and thorough medical and health history to Superior Genetix Health & Wellness, Inc. (collectively “the clinic”). The clinic will order labs and review my bloodwork results from LabCorp as needed. I agree that I will have a physical examination performed by either the clinic or my primary care physician prior to beginning new treatments. I have consulted with my primary care physician regarding the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy, peptides, or weight loss medications. I came to Superior Genetix Health & Wellness, Inc. with a medical complaint, and I understand the connection existing between my medical complaint, my medical history, the physical examination and the treatment I am being prescribed. I fully understand that it is my responsibility to have routine physical examinations performed by my primary care physician to ensure that I have no disease(s) which might make any Superior Genetix treatment inappropriate for my condition. I have consulted with my primary care physician, pharmacist, or other health professional and hereby warrant that I do not have any conditions, and I am not taking any medications that would make hormone replacement therapy,peptide, or weight loss treatments contraindicated. I agree that all telehealth, telemedicine, on-line, video medical consultations and treatments, will be deemed to have occurred in the state where the physician is physically located and licensed to practice medicine, which may be in another state from my own. I have been provided contact information for Superior Genetix staff, and I understand that I have the opportunity to contact them at anytime. I agree that a satisfactory and valid patient/doctor/clinic relationship exists.4. Authorization For Delivery of Medications *I hereby authorize Superior Genetix staff to act on my behalf to accept medication delivery from an FDA licensed compounding pharmacy, or the clinic’s dispensing physician, and deliver my medication and refills to me as prescribed by my physician. I understand that medications can be picked up at the clinic or mailed to my provided address as often as ordered/prescribed by the physician. This authorization will remain active for the course of my treatment at this clinic or until I revoke it in writing.5. No Guarantee of Services *We do not guarantee that any services or medications will be provided to you until you have undergone the full initial sign up/intake process, complete the health questionnaire, provide the appropriate blood work, completed a consultation, and conclude a physician’s examination. At the physician’s discretion only, you will be provided medications and/or services during your program at Superior Genetix.6. Refund Policy *I understand that there can be no refunds or returns on prescribed medications, blood work, appointments, or consultations. Superior Genetix and all of its coinciding locations reserve the right to have a NO RETURN and NO REFUND policy.7. Insurance Claims *I understand that if I use insurance for any lab-work or treatments that Superior Genetix is not responsible for any portion insurance may not cover.Today's date *Name *FirstMiddleLastI acknowledge that I have read and understand all the terms outlined in lines 1-7 above. *I agreePlease sign here * Clear Signature HIPAA & PRIVACYYour name *FirstMiddleLastAddress *City *State *ZIP Code *Phone *Who are we authorized to share your information with ? *(Ex. Spouse, Children, or put NONEI authorize Superior Genetix to contact me by email regarding specific health related information. *YesI authorize Superior Genetix to notify me by email and text to confirm my appointments, treatment plans, lab results, refill reminders, and billing. *YesAcknowledgment & Consent *I agree to the HIPAA Patient Acknowledgement Form. I acknowledge and authorize that Superior Genetix may recommend products or services to promote your improved health. This office may or may not receive third party remuneration from these affiliated companies. Superior Genetix, under the current HIPAA Omnibus Rule, provides you this information with your knowledge and consent.HIPAA Acknowledgement, Medical Release, Privacy Rule, and Consent **Patient acknowledgement of receipt of notice of privacy practices, consent/limited authorization, and release form.Today's date *Please sign here * Clear Signature Fee Acknowledgement & AgreementOne-Time Patient Intake Fee | Please Select One *$300 - TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR NEW PATIENTS. This is a one-time clinic fee that covers patient enrollment, initial blood work required to begin treatment, medical charting, chart review, pre-appointment consultation, and your telehealth appointment with the Prescribing Physician.$150 - WEIGHT LOSS & PEPTIDE THERAPY PATIENTS. This is one-time clinic fee that covers your patient enrollment, medical charting, chart review, pre-appointment consultation, and your telehealth appointment with the Prescribing Physician.This is required for most weight loss treatments, vitamins, and peptides.$200 - TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR PATIENTS SWITCHING CLINICS WHO HAVE RECENT BLOOD WORK. If you are currently being treated for low testosterone, you must email us a copy of your most recent blood work, and a copy/picture of your most recent prescription. Please email all required documents to:* These are one time fees. You will receive an invoice by email for this transaction. Treatment is guaranteed, or there is no fee. ATTENTION PATIENTS SEEKING TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY - CHECK LIST. If you are providing us with your own blood work results, the labs needed to begin treatment are NOT negotiable. We require Total testosterone, CBC (Complete Blood Count), Estradiol, and PSA.If you are coming from another clinic, or were previously diagnosed as having low testosterone, and you have blood work results and a prescription (current or recent) - please email that information to IMMEDIATELY upon submission of this form. We need labs emailed in PDF format and a picture of the label on your prescription box is acceptable.Please do NOT email us lab results that do not meet the necessary requirements. If you are unsure , it is best to pay the $300 fee and we will arrange your lab work for you.*Incomplete intake forms will not be acceptedAuthorization *By checking this box and signing this form, you give Superior Genetix Health & Wellness, Inc. permission to send all treatment and refill related invoices to the email you provided us. You also understand that there can be no refunds or returns on prescribed medications, blood work, or medical prescriber consultations.Please sign here * Clear Signature By signing, you agree to the terms of this fee agreement and acknowledge that you intend on proceeding with treatment.Welcome to the Superior Genetix Health & Wellness Family !Congratulations on beginning your journey to better health and wellness. Once you click submit, you will receive an invoice for the one-time clinc fee and a confirmation email from our client intake manager. She will arrange your blood work (if needed) and your tele-consultation with the Prescriber/Practitioner/Physician. If you have any questions regarding your intake, please email Sara.SuperiorGenetix@Gmail.comSubmit